How to use the Usage API and Cost API to monitor your OpenAI usage

Jan 14, 2025
Open in Github

For most of our users, the default usage and cost dashboards are sufficient. However, if you need more detailed data or a custom dashboard, you can use the Completions Usage API.

This notebook demonstrates how to retrieve and visualize usage data from the OpenAI Completions Usage API and Costs API. We'll:

  • Call the API to get completions usage data.
  • Parse the JSON response into a pandas DataFrame.
  • Visualize token usage over time using matplotlib.
  • Use grouping by model to analyze token usage across different models.
  • Display model distribution with a pie chart.

We also include placeholders for all possible API parameters for a comprehensive overview.

# Install required libraries (if not already installed)
!pip install requests pandas numpy matplotlib --quiet

# Import libraries
import requests
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import time
import json

# For inline plotting in Jupyter
%matplotlib inline
# Reusable function for retrieving paginated data from the API
def get_data(url, params):
    # Set up the API key and headers

    headers = {
        "Authorization": f"Bearer {OPENAI_ADMIN_KEY}",
        "Content-Type": "application/json",

    # Initialize an empty list to store all data
    all_data = []

    # Initialize pagination cursor
    page_cursor = None

    # Loop to handle pagination
    while True:
        if page_cursor:
            params["page"] = page_cursor

        response = requests.get(url, headers=headers, params=params)

        if response.status_code == 200:
            data_json = response.json()
            all_data.extend(data_json.get("data", []))

            page_cursor = data_json.get("next_page")
            if not page_cursor:
            print(f"Error: {response.status_code}")

    if all_data:
        print("Data retrieved successfully!")
        print("Issue: No data available to retrieve.")
    return all_data
# Define the API endpoint
url = ""

# Calculate start time: n days ago from now
days_ago = 30
start_time = int(time.time()) - (days_ago * 24 * 60 * 60)

# Define parameters with placeholders for all possible options
params = {
    "start_time": start_time,  # Required: Start time (Unix seconds)
    # "end_time": end_time,  # Optional: End time (Unix seconds)
    "bucket_width": "1d",  # Optional: '1m', '1h', or '1d' (default '1d')
    # "project_ids": ["proj_example"],  # Optional: List of project IDs
    # "user_ids": ["user_example"],     # Optional: List of user IDs
    # "api_key_ids": ["key_example"],   # Optional: List of API key IDs
    # "models": ["o1-2024-12-17", "gpt-4o-2024-08-06", "gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18"],  # Optional: List of models
    # "batch": False,             # Optional: True for batch jobs, False for non-batch
    # "group_by": ["model"],     # Optional: Fields to group by
    "limit": 7,  # Optional: Number of buckets to return, this will chunk the data into 7 buckets
    # "page": "cursor_string"   # Optional: Cursor for pagination

usage_data = get_data(url, params)
Data retrieved successfully!
print(json.dumps(usage_data, indent=2))
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736616660,
    "end_time": 1736640000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 141201,
        "output_tokens": 9756,
        "num_model_requests": 470,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736640000,
    "end_time": 1736726400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 45949,
        "output_tokens": 282,
        "num_model_requests": 150,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736726400,
    "end_time": 1736812800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 3718360,
        "output_tokens": 97756,
        "num_model_requests": 3053,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 76544,
        "input_audio_tokens": 5776,
        "output_audio_tokens": 3166
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736812800,
    "end_time": 1736899200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 52786,
        "output_tokens": 38204,
        "num_model_requests": 157,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 5440,
        "input_audio_tokens": 4066,
        "output_audio_tokens": 1097
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736899200,
    "end_time": 1736985600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 35664,
        "output_tokens": 1835,
        "num_model_requests": 55,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 192,
        "input_audio_tokens": 2520,
        "output_audio_tokens": 1549
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736985600,
    "end_time": 1737072000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 5464,
        "output_tokens": 2667,
        "num_model_requests": 8,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737072000,
    "end_time": 1737158400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 3390547,
        "output_tokens": 38604,
        "num_model_requests": 2687,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 25344,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737158400,
    "end_time": 1737244800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 8117824,
        "output_tokens": 105662,
        "num_model_requests": 6335,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 46464,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737244800,
    "end_time": 1737331200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 13542,
        "output_tokens": 85,
        "num_model_requests": 46,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737331200,
    "end_time": 1737417600,
    "results": []
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737417600,
    "end_time": 1737504000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 29806,
        "output_tokens": 57604,
        "num_model_requests": 98,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737504000,
    "end_time": 1737590400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 1823,
        "output_tokens": 1467,
        "num_model_requests": 7,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737590400,
    "end_time": 1737676800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 7126,
        "output_tokens": 1896,
        "num_model_requests": 19,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737676800,
    "end_time": 1737763200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 22187,
        "output_tokens": 822,
        "num_model_requests": 75,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 640,
        "input_audio_tokens": 2557,
        "output_audio_tokens": 3103
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737763200,
    "end_time": 1737849600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 30204,
        "output_tokens": 65673,
        "num_model_requests": 99,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737849600,
    "end_time": 1737936000,
    "results": []
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737936000,
    "end_time": 1738022400,
    "results": []
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738022400,
    "end_time": 1738108800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 2541,
        "output_tokens": 1604,
        "num_model_requests": 14,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738108800,
    "end_time": 1738195200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 68339,
        "output_tokens": 49525,
        "num_model_requests": 217,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 7296,
        "input_audio_tokens": 20033,
        "output_audio_tokens": 3168
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738195200,
    "end_time": 1738281600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 18481,
        "output_tokens": 17500,
        "num_model_requests": 84,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 2944,
        "input_audio_tokens": 10076,
        "output_audio_tokens": 4966
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738281600,
    "end_time": 1738368000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 1187894,
        "output_tokens": 139134,
        "num_model_requests": 5528,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 2112,
        "input_audio_tokens": 4935,
        "output_audio_tokens": 993
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738368000,
    "end_time": 1738454400,
    "results": []
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738454400,
    "end_time": 1738540800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 7268,
        "output_tokens": 30563,
        "num_model_requests": 24,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738540800,
    "end_time": 1738627200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 15121,
        "output_tokens": 22866,
        "num_model_requests": 48,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738627200,
    "end_time": 1738713600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 16735,
        "output_tokens": 16177,
        "num_model_requests": 50,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 1152,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738713600,
    "end_time": 1738800000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 6573,
        "output_tokens": 4238,
        "num_model_requests": 43,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738800000,
    "end_time": 1738886400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 1402,
        "output_tokens": 2042,
        "num_model_requests": 18,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738886400,
    "end_time": 1738972800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 11847,
        "output_tokens": 21938,
        "num_model_requests": 47,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738972800,
    "end_time": 1739059200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 1993,
        "output_tokens": 12,
        "num_model_requests": 7,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1739059200,
    "end_time": 1739145600,
    "results": []
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1739145600,
    "end_time": 1739208663,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.usage.completions.result",
        "input_tokens": 332,
        "output_tokens": 1509,
        "num_model_requests": 8,
        "project_id": null,
        "user_id": null,
        "api_key_id": null,
        "model": null,
        "batch": null,
        "input_cached_tokens": 0,
        "input_audio_tokens": 0,
        "output_audio_tokens": 0
# Initialize a list to hold parsed records
records = []

# Iterate through the data to extract bucketed data
for bucket in usage_data:
    start_time = bucket.get("start_time")
    end_time = bucket.get("end_time")
    for result in bucket.get("results", []):
                "start_time": start_time,
                "end_time": end_time,
                "input_tokens": result.get("input_tokens", 0),
                "output_tokens": result.get("output_tokens", 0),
                "input_cached_tokens": result.get("input_cached_tokens", 0),
                "input_audio_tokens": result.get("input_audio_tokens", 0),
                "output_audio_tokens": result.get("output_audio_tokens", 0),
                "num_model_requests": result.get("num_model_requests", 0),
                "project_id": result.get("project_id"),
                "user_id": result.get("user_id"),
                "api_key_id": result.get("api_key_id"),
                "model": result.get("model"),
                "batch": result.get("batch"),

# Create a DataFrame from the records
df = pd.DataFrame(records)

# Convert Unix timestamps to datetime for readability
df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["start_time"], unit="s")
df["end_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_time"], unit="s")

# Reorder columns for better readability
df = df[

# Display the DataFrame
start_datetime end_datetime start_time end_time input_tokens output_tokens input_cached_tokens input_audio_tokens output_audio_tokens num_model_requests project_id user_id api_key_id model batch
0 2025-01-11 17:31:00 2025-01-12 1736616660 1736640000 141201 9756 0 0 0 470 None None None None None
1 2025-01-12 00:00:00 2025-01-13 1736640000 1736726400 45949 282 0 0 0 150 None None None None None
2 2025-01-13 00:00:00 2025-01-14 1736726400 1736812800 3718360 97756 76544 5776 3166 3053 None None None None None
3 2025-01-14 00:00:00 2025-01-15 1736812800 1736899200 52786 38204 5440 4066 1097 157 None None None None None
4 2025-01-15 00:00:00 2025-01-16 1736899200 1736985600 35664 1835 192 2520 1549 55 None None None None None
if not df.empty:
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

    # Create bar charts for input and output tokens
    width = 0.35  # width of the bars
    indices = range(len(df)), df["input_tokens"], width=width, label="Input Tokens", alpha=0.7)
        [i + width for i in indices],
        label="Output Tokens",

    # Set labels and ticks
    plt.xlabel("Time Bucket")
    plt.ylabel("Number of Tokens")
    plt.title("Daily Input vs Output Token Usage Last 30 Days")
        [i + width / 2 for i in indices],
        [dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") for dt in df["start_datetime"]],
    print("No data available to plot.")
image generated by notebook

Visual Example: Grouping by Model

In this section, we retrieve and visualize usage data grouped by model and project_id. This can help you see the total tokens used by each model over the specified period.

Note on Grouping Parameter

  • If you do not specify a group_by parameter, fields such as project_id, model, and others will return as null. Although the group_by parameter is optional, it is recommended to include it in most cases to retrieve meaningful data.

  • You can specify multiple group fields by separating them with commas. For example: group_by=["model", "project_id"].

# Calculate start time: n days ago from now
days_ago = 30
start_time = int(time.time()) - (days_ago * 24 * 60 * 60)

# Define parameters with grouping by model and project_id
params = {
    "start_time": start_time,  # Required: Start time (Unix seconds)
    "bucket_width": "1d",  # Optional: '1m', '1h', or '1d' (default '1d')
    "group_by": ["model", "project_id"],  # Group data by model and project_id
    "limit": 7,  # Optional: Number of buckets to return

# Initialize an empty list to store all data
all_group_data = get_data(url, params)

# Initialize a list to hold parsed records
records = []

# Iterate through the data to extract bucketed data
for bucket in all_group_data:
    start_time = bucket.get("start_time")
    end_time = bucket.get("end_time")
    for result in bucket.get("results", []):
                "start_time": start_time,
                "end_time": end_time,
                "input_tokens": result.get("input_tokens", 0),
                "output_tokens": result.get("output_tokens", 0),
                "input_cached_tokens": result.get("input_cached_tokens", 0),
                "input_audio_tokens": result.get("input_audio_tokens", 0),
                "output_audio_tokens": result.get("output_audio_tokens", 0),
                "num_model_requests": result.get("num_model_requests", 0),
                "project_id": result.get("project_id", "N/A"),
                "user_id": result.get("user_id", "N/A"),
                "api_key_id": result.get("api_key_id", "N/A"),
                "model": result.get("model", "N/A"),
                "batch": result.get("batch", "N/A"),

# Create a DataFrame from the records
df = pd.DataFrame(records)

# Convert Unix timestamps to datetime for readability
df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["start_time"], unit="s", errors="coerce")
df["end_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(df["end_time"], unit="s", errors="coerce")

# Reorder columns for better readability
df = df[

# Display the DataFrame
Data retrieved successfully!
start_datetime end_datetime start_time end_time input_tokens output_tokens input_cached_tokens input_audio_tokens output_audio_tokens num_model_requests project_id user_id api_key_id model batch
0 2025-01-11 17:31:39 2025-01-12 1736616699 1736640000 6897 97 0 0 0 97 proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu None None gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 None
1 2025-01-11 17:31:39 2025-01-12 1736616699 1736640000 33984 206 0 0 0 95 proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu None None ft:gpt-4o-2024-08-06:distillation-test:wordle2... None
2 2025-01-11 17:31:39 2025-01-12 1736616699 1736640000 2846 8874 0 0 0 8 proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu None None o1-mini-2024-09-12 None
3 2025-01-11 17:31:39 2025-01-12 1736616699 1736640000 97474 579 0 0 0 270 proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu None None gpt-4o-2024-08-06 None
4 2025-01-12 00:00:00 2025-01-13 1736640000 1736726400 1989 28 0 0 0 28 proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu None None gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18 None
# Group data by model and project_id and aggregate model request counts
grouped_by_model_project = (
    df.groupby(["model", "project_id"])
            "num_model_requests": "sum",

# Determine unique models and project IDs for plotting and color mapping
models = sorted(grouped_by_model_project["model"].unique())
project_ids = sorted(grouped_by_model_project["project_id"].unique())
distinct_colors = [
project_color_mapping = {
    pid: distinct_colors[i % len(distinct_colors)] for i, pid in enumerate(project_ids)

# Calculate total number of requests per project_id for legend
project_totals = (
    .sort_values(ascending=False)  # Sort by highest total first

# Set up bar positions
n_models = len(models)
bar_width = 0.6
x = np.arange(n_models)

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))

# Plot stacked bars for each model
for model_idx, model in enumerate(models):
    # Filter data for the current model
    model_data = grouped_by_model_project[grouped_by_model_project["model"] == model]

    bottom = 0
    # Stack segments for each project ID within the bars
    for _, row in model_data.iterrows():
        color = project_color_mapping[row["project_id"]]
        bottom += row["num_model_requests"]

# Labeling and styling
plt.ylabel("Number of Model Requests")
plt.title("Total Model Requests by Model and Project ID Last 30 Days")
plt.xticks(x, models, rotation=45, ha="right")

# Create a sorted legend with totals
handles = [
    mpatches.Patch(color=project_color_mapping[pid], label=f"{pid} (Total: {total})")
    for pid, total in project_totals.items()
plt.legend(handles=handles, bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc="upper left")

image generated by notebook
records = []
for bucket in all_group_data:
    for result in bucket.get("results", []):
                "project_id": result.get("project_id", "N/A"),
                "num_model_requests": result.get("num_model_requests", 0),

# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(records)

# Aggregate data by project_id
grouped_by_project = (
    df.groupby("project_id").agg({"num_model_requests": "sum"}).reset_index()

# Visualize Pie Chart
if not grouped_by_project.empty:
    # Filter out rows where num_model_requests == 0
    filtered_grouped_by_project = grouped_by_project[
        grouped_by_project["num_model_requests"] > 0

    # Calculate the total model requests after filtering
    total_requests = filtered_grouped_by_project["num_model_requests"].sum()

    if total_requests > 0:
        # Calculate percentage of total for each project
        filtered_grouped_by_project["percentage"] = (
            filtered_grouped_by_project["num_model_requests"] / total_requests
        ) * 100

        # Separate "Other" projects (below 5%)
        other_projects = filtered_grouped_by_project[
            filtered_grouped_by_project["percentage"] < 5
        main_projects = filtered_grouped_by_project[
            filtered_grouped_by_project["percentage"] >= 5

        # Sum up "Other" projects
        if not other_projects.empty:
            other_row = pd.DataFrame(
                    "project_id": ["Other"],
                    "num_model_requests": [other_projects["num_model_requests"].sum()],
                    "percentage": [other_projects["percentage"].sum()],
            filtered_grouped_by_project = pd.concat(
                [main_projects, other_row], ignore_index=True

        # Sort by number of requests for better legend organization
        filtered_grouped_by_project = filtered_grouped_by_project.sort_values(
            by="num_model_requests", ascending=False

        # Main pie chart for distribution of model requests by project_id
        plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
            autopct=lambda p: f"{p:.1f}%\n({int(p * total_requests / 100):,})",
            textprops={"fontsize": 10},
        plt.title("Distribution of Model Requests by Project ID", fontsize=14)
        plt.axis("equal")  # Equal aspect ratio ensures pie chart is circular.

        # If there are "Other" projects, generate a second pie chart for breakdown
        if not other_projects.empty:
            other_total_requests = other_projects["num_model_requests"].sum()

            plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8))
                autopct=lambda p: f"{p:.1f}%\n({int(p * other_total_requests / 100):,})",
                textprops={"fontsize": 10},
            plt.title('Breakdown of "Other" Projects by Model Requests', fontsize=14)
            plt.axis("equal")  # Equal aspect ratio ensures pie chart is circular.
        print("Total model requests is zero. Pie chart will not be rendered.")
    print("No grouped data available for pie chart.")
image generated by notebookimage generated by notebook

Costs API Example

In this section, we'll work with the OpenAI Costs API to retrieve and visualize cost data. Similar to the completions data, we'll:

  • Call the Costs API to get aggregated cost data.
  • Parse the JSON response into a pandas DataFrame.
  • Visualize costs grouped by line item using a bar chart.
# Calculate start time: n days ago from now
days_ago = 30
start_time = int(time.time()) - (days_ago * 24 * 60 * 60)

# Define the Costs API endpoint
costs_url = ""

costs_params = {
    "start_time": start_time,  # Required: Start time (Unix seconds)
    "bucket_width": "1d",  # Optional: Currently only '1d' is supported
    "limit": 30,  # Optional: Number of buckets to return

# Initialize an empty list to store all data
all_costs_data = get_data(costs_url, costs_params)
Data retrieved successfully!
print(json.dumps(all_costs_data, indent=2))
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736553600,
    "end_time": 1736640000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.13080438340307526,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736640000,
    "end_time": 1736726400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.12270423340307525,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736726400,
    "end_time": 1736812800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 9.888144383403077,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736812800,
    "end_time": 1736899200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.3507639334030752,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736899200,
    "end_time": 1736985600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.2977481185324674,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1736985600,
    "end_time": 1737072000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00925485477848094,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737072000,
    "end_time": 1737158400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 8.889884136532304,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737158400,
    "end_time": 1737244800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 21.167310118127915,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737244800,
    "end_time": 1737331200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.04955636812791847,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737331200,
    "end_time": 1737417600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.0003226181279184669,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737417600,
    "end_time": 1737504000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.6320363681279185,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737504000,
    "end_time": 1737590400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 52.41558761812793,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737590400,
    "end_time": 1737676800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 104.88761235323427,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737676800,
    "end_time": 1737763200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.3376030385950106,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737763200,
    "end_time": 1737849600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.062551042553524,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737849600,
    "end_time": 1737936000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00032195744715549047,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1737936000,
    "end_time": 1738022400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.0003084210662774742,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738022400,
    "end_time": 1738108800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00032195744715549047,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738108800,
    "end_time": 1738195200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.5142559074471554,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738195200,
    "end_time": 1738281600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.21870350744715547,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738281600,
    "end_time": 1738368000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 1.4528752074471551,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738368000,
    "end_time": 1738454400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00042714787262957543,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738454400,
    "end_time": 1738540800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00032195744715549047,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738540800,
    "end_time": 1738627200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.0031147346857709622,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738627200,
    "end_time": 1738713600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 68.30023964957941,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738713600,
    "end_time": 1738800000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 14.858330207447157,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738800000,
    "end_time": 1738886400,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.3137180574471555,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738886400,
    "end_time": 1738972800,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.02677460744715549,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1738972800,
    "end_time": 1739059200,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.007399792553524012,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1739059200,
    "end_time": 1739145600,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00032195744715549047,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
    "object": "bucket",
    "start_time": 1739145600,
    "end_time": 1739232000,
    "results": [
        "object": "organization.costs.result",
        "amount": {
          "value": 0.00012073404268330895,
          "currency": "usd"
        "line_item": null,
        "project_id": null,
        "organization_id": "org-GLHrIv00VVN9dEQC2b4wsBkf"
# Initialize a list to hold parsed cost records
cost_records = []

# Extract bucketed cost data from all_costs_data
for bucket in all_costs_data:
    start_time = bucket.get("start_time")
    end_time = bucket.get("end_time")
    for result in bucket.get("results", []):
                "start_time": start_time,
                "end_time": end_time,
                "amount_value": result.get("amount", {}).get("value", 0),
                "currency": result.get("amount", {}).get("currency", "usd"),
                "line_item": result.get("line_item"),
                "project_id": result.get("project_id"),

# Create a DataFrame from the cost records
cost_df = pd.DataFrame(cost_records)

# Convert Unix timestamps to datetime for readability
cost_df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(cost_df["start_time"], unit="s")
cost_df["end_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(cost_df["end_time"], unit="s")

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame
start_time end_time amount_value currency line_item project_id start_datetime end_datetime
0 1736553600 1736640000 0.130804 usd None None 2025-01-11 2025-01-12
1 1736640000 1736726400 0.122704 usd None None 2025-01-12 2025-01-13
2 1736726400 1736812800 9.888144 usd None None 2025-01-13 2025-01-14
3 1736812800 1736899200 0.350764 usd None None 2025-01-14 2025-01-15
4 1736899200 1736985600 0.297748 usd None None 2025-01-15 2025-01-16

Visualize Total Costs per Day

We'll create a bar chart to visualize the total costs aggregated by day. This helps give a high level perspective on organizational spend.

if not cost_df.empty:
    # Ensure datetime conversion for 'start_datetime' column
    if (
        "start_datetime" not in cost_df.columns
        or not pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(cost_df["start_datetime"])
        cost_df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(
            cost_df["start_time"], unit="s", errors="coerce"

    # Create a new column for just the date part of 'start_datetime'
    cost_df["date"] = cost_df["start_datetime"]

    # Group by date and sum the amounts
    cost_per_day = cost_df.groupby("date")["amount_value"].sum().reset_index()

    # Plot the data
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    plt.ylabel("Total Cost (USD)")
    plt.title("Total Cost per Day (Last 30 Days)")
    plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")
    print("No cost data available to plot.")
image generated by notebook

Visualize Costs by Line Item

We'll create a bar chart to visualize the total costs aggregated by line item. This helps identify which categories (e.g., models or other services) contribute most to the expenses.

days_ago = 30
start_time = int(time.time()) - (days_ago * 24 * 60 * 60)

costs_params = {
    "start_time": start_time,  # Required: Start time (Unix seconds)
    "bucket_width": "1d",  # Optional: Currently only '1d' is supported
    "limit": 30,  # Optional: Number of buckets to return
    "group_by": ["line_item"],

line_item_cost_data = get_data(costs_url, costs_params)

# Initialize a list to hold parsed cost records
cost_records = []

# Extract bucketed cost data from all_costs_data
for bucket in line_item_cost_data:
    start_time = bucket.get("start_time")
    end_time = bucket.get("end_time")
    for result in bucket.get("results", []):
                "start_time": start_time,
                "end_time": end_time,
                "amount_value": result.get("amount", {}).get("value", 0),
                "currency": result.get("amount", {}).get("currency", "usd"),
                "line_item": result.get("line_item"),
                "project_id": result.get("project_id"),

# Create a DataFrame from the cost records
cost_df = pd.DataFrame(cost_records)

# Convert Unix timestamps to datetime for readability
cost_df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(cost_df["start_time"], unit="s")
cost_df["end_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(cost_df["end_time"], unit="s")

# Display the first few rows of the DataFrame
Data retrieved successfully!
start_time end_time amount_value currency line_item project_id start_datetime end_datetime
0 1736553600 1736640000 0.127440 usd ft-gpt-4o-2024-08-06, input proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu 2025-01-11 2025-01-12
1 1736553600 1736640000 0.003090 usd ft-gpt-4o-2024-08-06, output proj_hNhhQzyYu7HxySZWs7cA3Ugu 2025-01-11 2025-01-12
2 1736553600 1736640000 0.000271 usd assistants api | file search proj_L67gOme4S2nBA8aQieEOwLy7 2025-01-11 2025-01-12
3 1736553600 1736640000 0.000003 usd assistants api | file search proj_VV4ZAjd6ALfFd9uh0vY8joR1 2025-01-11 2025-01-12
4 1736640000 1736726400 0.028607 usd evals | gpt-4o-mini-2024-07-18, input proj_L67gOme4S2nBA8aQieEOwLy7 2025-01-12 2025-01-13
if not cost_df.empty:
    # Ensure datetime conversion for 'start_datetime' column
    if "start_datetime" not in cost_df.columns or not pd.api.types.is_datetime64_any_dtype(cost_df["start_datetime"]):
        cost_df["start_datetime"] = pd.to_datetime(cost_df["start_time"], unit="s", errors="coerce")

    # Create a new column for just the date part of 'start_datetime'
    cost_df["date"] = cost_df["start_datetime"]

    # Group by date and line_item and sum the amounts
    cost_per_day = cost_df.groupby(["date", "line_item"])["amount_value"].sum().reset_index()

    # Pivot the DataFrame so each date has one bar with line_item stacks
    cost_pivot = cost_per_day.pivot(index="date", columns="line_item", values="amount_value").fillna(0)
    cost_pivot = cost_pivot.sort_index()

    # Plot a stacked bar chart with one bar for each grouped day
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    ax = cost_pivot.plot(kind="bar", stacked=True, ax=plt.gca(), width=0.8)
    plt.ylabel("Total Cost (USD)")
    plt.title("Total Cost by Line Item")
    plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha="right")
    # Update legend so it doesn't overlay the graph by placing it outside the plot area
    plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc="upper left", borderaxespad=0.)
    print("No cost data available to plot.")
/var/folders/r_/g8r2dz8s2qd104th5p5yxljr0000gp/T/ipykernel_49468/ UserWarning: Tight layout not applied. The bottom and top margins cannot be made large enough to accommodate all Axes decorations.