Recommendation using embeddings and nearest neighbor search

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Mar 10, 2022
Open in Github

Recommendations are widespread across the web.

  • 'Bought that item? Try these similar items.'
  • 'Enjoy that book? Try these similar titles.'
  • 'Not the help page you were looking for? Try these similar pages.'

This notebook demonstrates how to use embeddings to find similar items to recommend. In particular, we use AG's corpus of news articles as our dataset.

Our model will answer the question: given an article, what other articles are most similar to it?

import pandas as pd
import pickle

from utils.embeddings_utils import (

EMBEDDING_MODEL = "text-embedding-3-small"

2. Load data

Next, let's load the AG news data and see what it looks like.

# load data (full dataset available at
dataset_path = "data/AG_news_samples.csv"
df = pd.read_csv(dataset_path)

n_examples = 5
title description label_int label
0 World Briefings BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime M... 1 World
1 Nvidia Puts a Firewall on a Motherboard (PC Wo... PC World - Upcoming chip set will include buil... 4 Sci/Tech
2 Olympic joy in Greek, Chinese press Newspapers in Greece reflect a mixture of exhi... 2 Sports
3 U2 Can iPod with Pictures SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple Computer (Quote, Cha... 4 Sci/Tech
4 The Dream Factory Any product, any shape, any size -- manufactur... 4 Sci/Tech

Let's take a look at those same examples, but not truncated by ellipses.

# print the title, description, and label of each example
for idx, row in df.head(n_examples).iterrows():
    print(f"Title: {row['title']}")
    print(f"Description: {row['description']}")
    print(f"Label: {row['label']}")
Title: World Briefings
Description: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the  quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.
Label: World

Title: Nvidia Puts a Firewall on a Motherboard (PC World)
Description: PC World - Upcoming chip set will include built-in security features for your PC.
Label: Sci/Tech

Title: Olympic joy in Greek, Chinese press
Description: Newspapers in Greece reflect a mixture of exhilaration that the Athens Olympics proved successful, and relief that they passed off without any major setback.
Label: Sports

Title: U2 Can iPod with Pictures
Description: SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Apple Computer (Quote, Chart) unveiled a batch of new iPods, iTunes software and promos designed to keep it atop the heap of digital music players.
Label: Sci/Tech

Title: The Dream Factory
Description: Any product, any shape, any size -- manufactured on your desktop! The future is the fabricator. By Bruce Sterling from Wired magazine.
Label: Sci/Tech

3. Build cache to save embeddings

Before getting embeddings for these articles, let's set up a cache to save the embeddings we generate. In general, it's a good idea to save your embeddings so you can re-use them later. If you don't save them, you'll pay again each time you compute them again.

The cache is a dictionary that maps tuples of (text, model) to an embedding, which is a list of floats. The cache is saved as a Python pickle file.

# establish a cache of embeddings to avoid recomputing
# cache is a dict of tuples (text, model) -> embedding, saved as a pickle file

# set path to embedding cache
embedding_cache_path = "data/recommendations_embeddings_cache.pkl"

# load the cache if it exists, and save a copy to disk
    embedding_cache = pd.read_pickle(embedding_cache_path)
except FileNotFoundError:
    embedding_cache = {}
with open(embedding_cache_path, "wb") as embedding_cache_file:
    pickle.dump(embedding_cache, embedding_cache_file)

# define a function to retrieve embeddings from the cache if present, and otherwise request via the API
def embedding_from_string(
    string: str,
    model: str = EMBEDDING_MODEL,
) -> list:
    """Return embedding of given string, using a cache to avoid recomputing."""
    if (string, model) not in embedding_cache.keys():
        embedding_cache[(string, model)] = get_embedding(string, model)
        with open(embedding_cache_path, "wb") as embedding_cache_file:
            pickle.dump(embedding_cache, embedding_cache_file)
    return embedding_cache[(string, model)]

Let's check that it works by getting an embedding.

# as an example, take the first description from the dataset
example_string = df["description"].values[0]
print(f"\nExample string: {example_string}")

# print the first 10 dimensions of the embedding
example_embedding = embedding_from_string(example_string)
print(f"\nExample embedding: {example_embedding[:10]}...")
Example string: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the  quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.

Example embedding: [0.0545826330780983, -0.00428084097802639, 0.04785159230232239, 0.01587914116680622, -0.03640881925821304, 0.0143799539655447, -0.014267769642174244, -0.015175441280007362, -0.002344391541555524, 0.011075624264776707]...

4. Recommend similar articles based on embeddings

To find similar articles, let's follow a three-step plan:

  1. Get the similarity embeddings of all the article descriptions
  2. Calculate the distance between a source title and all other articles
  3. Print out the other articles closest to the source title
def print_recommendations_from_strings(
    strings: list[str],
    index_of_source_string: int,
    k_nearest_neighbors: int = 1,
) -> list[int]:
    """Print out the k nearest neighbors of a given string."""
    # get embeddings for all strings
    embeddings = [embedding_from_string(string, model=model) for string in strings]

    # get the embedding of the source string
    query_embedding = embeddings[index_of_source_string]

    # get distances between the source embedding and other embeddings (function from
    distances = distances_from_embeddings(query_embedding, embeddings, distance_metric="cosine")
    # get indices of nearest neighbors (function from
    indices_of_nearest_neighbors = indices_of_nearest_neighbors_from_distances(distances)

    # print out source string
    query_string = strings[index_of_source_string]
    print(f"Source string: {query_string}")
    # print out its k nearest neighbors
    k_counter = 0
    for i in indices_of_nearest_neighbors:
        # skip any strings that are identical matches to the starting string
        if query_string == strings[i]:
        # stop after printing out k articles
        if k_counter >= k_nearest_neighbors:
        k_counter += 1

        # print out the similar strings and their distances
        --- Recommendation #{k_counter} (nearest neighbor {k_counter} of {k_nearest_neighbors}) ---
        String: {strings[i]}
        Distance: {distances[i]:0.3f}"""

    return indices_of_nearest_neighbors
article_descriptions = df["description"].tolist()

tony_blair_articles = print_recommendations_from_strings(
    strings=article_descriptions,  # let's base similarity off of the article description
    index_of_source_string=0,  # articles similar to the first one about Tony Blair
    k_nearest_neighbors=5,  # 5 most similar articles
Source string: BRITAIN: BLAIR WARNS OF CLIMATE THREAT Prime Minister Tony Blair urged the international community to consider global warming a dire threat and agree on a plan of action to curb the  quot;alarming quot; growth of greenhouse gases.

        --- Recommendation #1 (nearest neighbor 1 of 5) ---
        String: The anguish of hostage Kenneth Bigley in Iraq hangs over Prime Minister Tony Blair today as he faces the twin test of a local election and a debate by his Labour Party about the divisive war.
        Distance: 0.514

        --- Recommendation #2 (nearest neighbor 2 of 5) ---
        String: THE re-election of British Prime Minister Tony Blair would be seen as an endorsement of the military action in Iraq, Prime Minister John Howard said today.
        Distance: 0.516

        --- Recommendation #3 (nearest neighbor 3 of 5) ---
        String: Israel is prepared to back a Middle East conference convened by Tony Blair early next year despite having expressed fears that the British plans were over-ambitious and designed 
        Distance: 0.546

        --- Recommendation #4 (nearest neighbor 4 of 5) ---
        String: Allowing dozens of casinos to be built in the UK would bring investment and thousands of jobs, Tony Blair says.
        Distance: 0.568

        --- Recommendation #5 (nearest neighbor 5 of 5) ---
        String: AFP - A battle group of British troops rolled out of southern Iraq on a US-requested mission to deadlier areas near Baghdad, in a major political gamble for British Prime Minister Tony Blair.
        Distance: 0.579

Pretty good! 4 of the 5 recommendations explicitly mention Tony Blair and the fifth is an article from London about climate change, topics that might be often associated with Tony Blair.

Let's see how our recommender does on the second example article about NVIDIA's new chipset with more security.

chipset_security_articles = print_recommendations_from_strings(
    strings=article_descriptions,  # let's base similarity off of the article description
    index_of_source_string=1,  # let's look at articles similar to the second one about a more secure chipset
    k_nearest_neighbors=5,  # let's look at the 5 most similar articles
Source string: PC World - Upcoming chip set will include built-in security features for your PC.

        --- Recommendation #1 (nearest neighbor 1 of 5) ---
        String: PC World - Updated antivirus software for businesses adds intrusion prevention features.
        Distance: 0.422

        --- Recommendation #2 (nearest neighbor 2 of 5) ---
        String: PC World - Symantec, McAfee hope raising virus-definition fees will move users to\  suites.
        Distance: 0.518

        --- Recommendation #3 (nearest neighbor 3 of 5) ---
        String: originally offered on notebook PCs -- to its Opteron 32- and 64-bit x86 processors for server applications. The technology will help servers to run 
        Distance: 0.522

        --- Recommendation #4 (nearest neighbor 4 of 5) ---
        String: PC World - Send your video throughout your house--wirelessly--with new gateways and media adapters.
        Distance: 0.532

        --- Recommendation #5 (nearest neighbor 5 of 5) ---
        String: Chips that help a computer's main microprocessors perform specific types of math problems are becoming a big business once again.\
        Distance: 0.532

From the printed distances, you can see that the #1 recommendation is much closer than all the others (0.11 vs 0.14+). And the #1 recommendation looks very similar to the starting article - it's another article from PC World about increasing computer security. Pretty good!

Appendix: Using embeddings in more sophisticated recommenders

A more sophisticated way to build a recommender system is to train a machine learning model that takes in tens or hundreds of signals, such as item popularity or user click data. Even in this system, embeddings can be a very useful signal into the recommender, especially for items that are being 'cold started' with no user data yet (e.g., a brand new product added to the catalog without any clicks yet).

To get a sense of what our nearest neighbor recommender is doing, let's visualize the article embeddings. Although we can't plot the 2048 dimensions of each embedding vector, we can use techniques like t-SNE or PCA to compress the embeddings down into 2 or 3 dimensions, which we can chart.

Before visualizing the nearest neighbors, let's visualize all of the article descriptions using t-SNE. Note that t-SNE is not deterministic, meaning that results may vary from run to run.

# get embeddings for all article descriptions
embeddings = [embedding_from_string(string) for string in article_descriptions]
# compress the 2048-dimensional embeddings into 2 dimensions using t-SNE
tsne_components = tsne_components_from_embeddings(embeddings)
# get the article labels for coloring the chart
labels = df["label"].tolist()

    title="t-SNE components of article descriptions",

As you can see in the chart above, even the highly compressed embeddings do a good job of clustering article descriptions by category. And it's worth emphasizing: this clustering is done with no knowledge of the labels themselves!

Also, if you look closely at the most egregious outliers, they are often due to mislabeling rather than poor embedding. For example, the majority of the blue World points in the green Sports cluster appear to be Sports stories.

Next, let's recolor the points by whether they are a source article, its nearest neighbors, or other.

# create labels for the recommended articles
def nearest_neighbor_labels(
    list_of_indices: list[int],
    k_nearest_neighbors: int = 5
) -> list[str]:
    """Return a list of labels to color the k nearest neighbors."""
    labels = ["Other" for _ in list_of_indices]
    source_index = list_of_indices[0]
    labels[source_index] = "Source"
    for i in range(k_nearest_neighbors):
        nearest_neighbor_index = list_of_indices[i + 1]
        labels[nearest_neighbor_index] = f"Nearest neighbor (top {k_nearest_neighbors})"
    return labels

tony_blair_labels = nearest_neighbor_labels(tony_blair_articles, k_nearest_neighbors=5)
chipset_security_labels = nearest_neighbor_labels(chipset_security_articles, k_nearest_neighbors=5
# a 2D chart of nearest neighbors of the Tony Blair article
    title="Nearest neighbors of the Tony Blair article",
    category_orders={"label": ["Other", "Nearest neighbor (top 5)", "Source"]},

Looking at the 2D chart above, we can see that the articles about Tony Blair are somewhat close together inside of the World news cluster. Interestingly, although the 5 nearest neighbors (red) were closest in high dimensional space, they are not the closest points in this compressed 2D space. Compressing the embeddings down to 2 dimensions discards much of their information, and the nearest neighbors in the 2D space don't seem to be as relevant as those in the full embedding space.

# a 2D chart of nearest neighbors of the chipset security article
    title="Nearest neighbors of the chipset security article",
    category_orders={"label": ["Other", "Nearest neighbor (top 5)", "Source"]},

For the chipset security example, the 4 closest nearest neighbors in the full embedding space remain nearest neighbors in this compressed 2D visualization. The fifth is displayed as more distant, despite being closer in the full embedding space.

Should you want to, you can also make an interactive 3D plot of the embeddings with the function chart_from_components_3D. (Doing so will require recomputing the t-SNE components with n_components=3.)