Reasoning over Code Quality and Security in GitHub Pull Requests

Dec 24, 2024
Open in Github


This guide explains how to integrate OpenAI reasoning models into your GitHub Pull Request (PR) workflow to automatically review code for quality, security, and enterprise standards compliance. By leveraging AI-driven insights early in the development process, you can catch issues sooner, reduce manual effort, and maintain consistent best practices across your codebase.

Why Integrate OpenAI Reasoning Models in PRs?

• Save time during code reviews by automatically detecting code smells, security vulnerabilities, and style inconsistencies.
• Enforce coding standards organization-wide for consistent, reliable code.
• Provide developers with prompt, AI-guided feedback on potential improvements.

Example Use Cases

• A reviewer wants feedback on the security of a new code change before merging.
• A team seeks to enforce standard coding guidelines, ensuring consistent code quality across the organization.


1. Generate an OpenAI “Project Key”

  1. Go to and click to create a new secret key.
  2. Securely store the token in your GitHub repository secrets as OPENAI_API_KEY.

2. Choose Your OpenAI Model

Use OpenAI Reasoning Models for in-depth analysis of code changes. Begin with the most advanced model and refine your prompt as needed.

3. Select a Pull Request

  1. Confirm GitHub Actions is enabled for your repository.
  2. Ensure you have permissions to configure repository secrets or variables (e.g., for your PROMPT, MODELNAME, and BEST_PRACTICES variables).

4. Define Enterprise Coding Standards

Store your standards as a repository variable (BEST_PRACTICES). These may include:
• Code style & formatting
• Readability & maintainability
• Security & compliance
• Error handling & logging
• Performance & scalability
• Testing & QA
• Documentation & version control
• Accessibility & internationalization

5. Define Prompt Content

Construct a meta-prompt to guide OpenAI toward security, quality, and best-practice checks. Include:

  1. Code Quality & Standards
  2. Security & Vulnerability Analysis
  3. Fault Tolerance & Error Handling
  4. Performance & Resource Management
  5. Step-by-Step Validation

Encourage OpenAI to provide a thorough, line-by-line review with explicit recommendations.

Create Your GitHub Actions Workflow

This GitHub Actions workflow is triggered on every pull request against the main branch and comprises two jobs. The first job gathers a diff of all changed files—excluding .json and .png files—and sends these changes to OpenAI for analysis. Any suggested fixes from OpenAI are included in a comment on the PR. The second job evaluates the PR against your defined enterprise standards and returns a markdown table that summarizes the code’s adherence to those standards. You can easily adjust or refine the workflow by updating variables such as the prompt, model name, and best practices.

name: PR Quality and Security Check
    branches: [main]
  contents: read
  pull-requests: write
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0  # Ensure full history for proper diff
      - name: Gather Full Code From Changed Files
        run: |
          CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only origin/main...HEAD)
          echo '{"original files": [' > original_files_temp.json
          for file in $CHANGED_FILES; do
            if [[ $file == *.json ]] || [[ $file == *.png ]]; then
            if [ -f "$file" ]; then
              CONTENT=$(jq -Rs . < "$file")
              echo "{\"filename\": \"$file\", \"content\": $CONTENT}," >> original_files_temp.json
          sed -i '$ s/,$//' original_files_temp.json
          echo "]}" >> original_files_temp.json
      - name: Display Processed Diff (Debug)
        run: cat original_files_temp.json
      - name: Get Diff
        run: |
          git diff origin/main...HEAD \
            | grep '^[+-]' \
            | grep -Ev '^(---|\+\+\+)' > code_changes_only.txt
          jq -Rs '{diff: .}' code_changes_only.txt > diff.json
          if [ -f original_files_temp.json ]; then
            jq -s '.[0] * .[1]' diff.json original_files_temp.json > combined.json
            mv combined.json diff.json
      - name: Display Processed Diff (Debug)
        run: cat diff.json
      - name: Analyze with OpenAI
          OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}
        run: |
          DIFF_CONTENT=$(jq -r '.diff' diff.json)
          ORIGINAL_FILES=$(jq -r '."original files"' diff.json)
          PROMPT="Please review the following code changes for any obvious quality or security issues. Provide a brief report in markdown format:\n\nDIFF:\n${DIFF_CONTENT}\n\nORIGINAL FILES:\n${ORIGINAL_FILES}"
          jq -n --arg prompt "$PROMPT" '{
            "model": "gpt-4",
            "messages": [
              { "role": "system", "content": "You are a code reviewer." },
              { "role": "user", "content": $prompt }
          }' > request.json
          curl -sS \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer ${OPENAI_API_KEY}" \
            -d @request.json > response.json
      - name: Extract Review Message
        id: extract_message
        run: |
          ASSISTANT_MSG=$(jq -r '.choices[0].message.content' response.json)
            echo "message<<EOF"
            echo "$ASSISTANT_MSG"
            echo "EOF"
          } >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      - name: Post Comment to PR
          COMMENT: ${{ steps.extract_message.outputs.message }}
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: |
          gh api \
            repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/comments \
            -f body="$COMMENT"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: [quality-security-analysis]
      - name: Checkout code
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
          fetch-depth: 0  # ensures we get both PR base and head
      - name: Gather Full Code From Changed Files
        run: |
          # Identify changed files from the base (origin/main) to the pull request HEAD
          CHANGED_FILES=$(git diff --name-only origin/main...HEAD)
          # Build a JSON array containing filenames and their content
          echo '{"original files": [' > original_files_temp.json
          for file in $CHANGED_FILES; do
            # Skip .json and .txt files
            if [[ $file == *.json ]] || [[ $file == *.txt ]]; then
            # If the file still exists (i.e., wasn't deleted)
            if [ -f "$file" ]; then
              CONTENT=$(jq -Rs . < "$file")
              echo "{\"filename\": \"$file\", \"content\": $CONTENT}," >> original_files_temp.json
          # Remove trailing comma on the last file entry and close JSON
          sed -i '$ s/,$//' original_files_temp.json
          echo "]}" >> original_files_temp.json
      - name: Analyze Code Against Best Practices
        id: validate
          OPENAI_API_KEY: ${{ secrets.OPENAI_API_KEY }}
        run: |
          set -e
          # Read captured code
          ORIGINAL_FILES=$(cat original_files_temp.json)
          # Construct the prompt:
          #  - Summarize each best-practice category
          #  - Provide a rating for each category: 'extraordinary', 'acceptable', or 'poor'
          #  - Return a Markdown table titled 'Enterprise Standards'
          PROMPT="You are an Enterprise Code Assistant. Review each code snippet below for its adherence to the following categories: 
          1) Code Style & Formatting
          2) Security & Compliance
          3) Error Handling & Logging
          4) Readability & Maintainability
          5) Performance & Scalability
          6) Testing & Quality Assurance
          7) Documentation & Version Control
          8) Accessibility & Internationalization
          Using \${{ vars.BEST_PRACTICES }} as a reference, assign a rating of 'extraordinary', 'acceptable', or 'poor' for each category. Return a markdown table titled 'Enterprise Standards' with rows for each category and columns for 'Category' and 'Rating'. 
          Here are the changed file contents to analyze:
          # Create JSON request for OpenAI
          jq -n --arg system_content "You are an Enterprise Code Assistant ensuring the code follows best practices." \
                --arg user_content "$PROMPT" \
            "model": "${{ vars.MODELNAME }}",
            "messages": [
                "role": "system",
                "content": $system_content
                "role": "user",
                "content": $user_content
          }' > request.json
          # Make the API call
          curl -sS \
            -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENAI_API_KEY" \
            -d @request.json > response.json
          # Extract the model's message
          ASSISTANT_MSG=$(jq -r '.choices[0].message.content' response.json)
          # Store for next step
            echo "review<<EOF"
            echo "$ASSISTANT_MSG"
            echo "EOF"
          } >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
      - name: Post Table Comment
          COMMENT: ${{ }}
          GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
        run: |
          # If COMMENT is empty or null, skip posting
          if [ -z "$COMMENT" ] || [ "$COMMENT" = "null" ]; then
            echo "No comment to post."
            exit 0
          gh api \
            repos/${{ github.repository }}/issues/${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}/comments \
            -f body="$COMMENT"

Test the Workflow

Commit this workflow to your repository, then open a new PR. The workflow will run automatically, posting AI-generated feedback as a PR comment.

For a public example, see the OpenAI-Forum repository’s workflow: pr_quality_and_security_check.yml.

